Travel is an enriching experience. It educates, builds character and gives the traveller a greater sense of their place in the larger world. Once bitten by the travel bug, it can be hard to shake, prompting many to continue their globetrotting after becoming parents. A long flight, however, is a daunting obstacle to overcome with a baby or a toddler in tow.
The Nightmare of Flying With Kids
Anyone who has flown knows that air travel can be unpleasant. Hundreds of people, packed together like sardines in a can, sit with cramping legs and squished behinds, watching hours of ludicrous romantic comedies and inane family-friendly movies about talking dogs.
The unpleasantness is only compounded when there is a screaming child on board. It is every parent’s travel nightmare: that theirs will be the screaming child, that the annoyed glares of the other passengers will be directed their way.
It is …