Children need a healthy and safe environment for their growth. Child psychologists and pediatricians the world over advise parents to avoid smoking and drinking in the presence of their kids to prevent its ill effects on their physical well-being and mental make-up and to maintain a congenial home environment for their healthy development.
Smoking Habit in Parents
In the Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, (vol 9),A. Hawamdeh, F.A. Kasasbeh and M.A. Ahmad presented a detailed review on, “The Effects of Passive Smoking on Children’s Health.” This study indicates that the amount of nicotine received by children whose parents smoke is equivalent to their active smoking between 60 and 150 cigarettes in a year.
Smoking habits of parents or adults at home can lead to several health ailments in children like asthma, respiratory illness, coronary heart disease, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and ear, nose and throat ENT problems.
Smoking during …